Thursday, February 28, 2008

Theater moves boost confidence; Hurray for Help on becoming a Non-Profit

This week a few our folks in Charlottesville got to take in a mini-workshop with Michelle Milne, a former Goshen College classmate for some and current GC Assistant Professor of Theater. The workshop focused on vocal and teambuilding exercises as well as developing spatial awareness. Though developed for application in the theater, anybody who is in front of people, on stage or presenting their own ideas would benefit from these types of exercises.

As a result of the workshop this past week, DSC will be planning a seminar led by Michelle so that others can benefit from her expertise. This is just one example of how people outside the DSC are able to come in and enhance what we do through their own strengths.

On another note, Jonathan is excited to relate that he has gained a mentor in the area of forming a non-profit. Ron Copeland, who started the Little Grill Collective, a worker-owned restaurant and music venue in Harrisonburg, VA and Our Community Place, a soup kitchen also located in H'Burg, has made himself available as a resource as the DSC pursues non-profit status. Thanks Ron!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Logos Galore!

We have been collecting design ideas for a DSC logo from within our ranks (Troy Foster, Mark Neubauer, Amber Butler and Jonathan Reuel have submitted ideas). Having a consistent image to represent our group will help to present ourselves more professionally, as well as create recognition for our group. Today we're posting design ideas to get input from the larger community (ie. you!). We welcome any comments on which logo is your favorite!

Logo 1:

Logo 2:

Logo 3:

Logo 4:

Logo 5:

Logo 6:

Logo 7:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Art Brokering: Artist + DSC = Buyer

Over here at the DSC offices (if we had an office) we like to throw around ideas about what types of constructive opportunities we can offer our members. One project currently in its first trial run is art brokering.

Art brokering is a service where a broker (DSC) attempts to connect artists with buyers. In this case, the goal is a commissioned work. Our intent in this process is to form an agreement that allows the artist freedom to create meaningful work with hope of a sale and also ensures that a buyer connects with a piece of art inspired by their own idea or experience.

The first experiment in progress is a deal brokered by Jonathan Reuel between New Hope Christian Church (Wylie, TX) and artists Jordan Miller, Concept Art (Asheville, NC), Jonathan Reuel, Illustration (Charlottesville, VA) and Christa Reuel, Collage painting (Charlottesville, VA). It’s been a work in progress and initial photos of the four-piece series will be sent out to the buyers in the next few days!

Our ideas about this process and how it works are still evolving. We’d like to see it working in multiple mediums—most immediately with music and writing. If arts brokering sparks your interest, feel free to add your ideas to the melee!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Non-Profits, Conference Planning and the Road Ahead

So the news around the Dandelion Seed Company is that we may actually be becoming something (other than the wonderful, loose, lovely network that we are). Jonathan Reuel is talking to lawyers about non-profit formation and getting the skinny on what something like that would look like. When we talk amongst ourselves, it seems that we’re ready for something different than what we’ve had in the past and are excited about shaping what we will become. More on that in the future, but we wanted to give everyone a heads up on the sense of internal stirring.

Jonathan Reuel and Anita Oliver are in talks to determine the when, where and how of our annual DSC conference. In case you have been wondering, the conference will probably take place in June 2008 rather than March as it has in years past. This year gives Adam and Megan Fleming a welcome break from running the administrative end of the conference and we thank them for the last several years in which they had a major role in making the conference happen.

The location this year will be in Charlottesville, VA pending a search for a suitable venue. An alternate location may be Asheville, NC. Speaking of Asheville, Rachel Nussbaum has volunteered to head up planning food for the conference this year. We thank her for that in advance. If you have other aspects of the conference that you would like to contribute to or volunteer for, don’t hesitate to contact us about them. We love ideas!

We consistently receive a few donations throughout the year, but if anyone would like to contribute financially, that is welcome as well. (Send checks payable to DSC to: Jonathan Reuel, P.O. Box 1246, Charlottesville, VA 22902)

And highlighting a few of our folks that could use an extra dose of thought and prayer, Christian Groves and family, for grace in maneuvering issues of finances and relationships; and Nate and Amber Butler, who are in the midst of a six month and counting job and geographic transition and can get a little road weary (like the rest of us).