On the Ning site, each person has a profile; a page of their own similar to other social network sites like Facebook (where conveniently, DSC also has a new group!). You can leave comments for each other, start or join discussions, make blog posts, and share ideas and resources through the forum.
From the site: Reflections on favorite moments at the Charlottesville gathering:
Justin Fike: Mine would have to be the all night conversation I had with Kim and Jordan. All of the connections with new friends was the most unexpectedly fun part of the conference for me, and that moment was the most extreme example of that. Thanks for being interesting enough to keep me up all night guys ;-).
And thanks to everyone else I met there for the first time, for being open and real right from the beginning.
David Oliver: I would have to say that helping Jordan finish his version of "Sorrowy Mind" was a definite highlight. it's interesting that it happened after Bryn and I changed our minds about leaving and returned to join the madness. So we almost missed it. It had a good hook too! I still have that song in my head...it's sort of not fair that I can't hear it anywhere. although there's the video. Is that posted somewhere in here? Youtube? Jordan?
Jordan Miller: Mine is the conversation with Kim and Justin; I've never connected with people my own age like that, and i'm excited to develop those connections. Sorrowy mind is definitely up there though. And I love the way that newcomers were just absorbed into the family.
does that make the DSC sound too much like the mafia? maybe that's a good thing...
Kimberly Glick: Shhh - DSC is the mafia, Jordan! The artistic, Jesus-centered, we're not-actually-all-that-hot-at-making-money-or-beating-people-up kind of mafia. (I don't actually know what the mafia does, so I'm just guessing here.)
My favorite moment - definitely the totally unexpected all-night conversation (I only joined in because I was trying to sleep and they wouldn't stop talking! I decided it was better to participate than to just not sleep.) And the conversations with Ken and Troy during our 24 hours in the car together. And lunch conversations with David and Kristi. And meetings that couldn't go anywhere because we were laughing so hard.
I wasn’t there but as far as I can tell, everyone who was at the Charlottesville gathering had a fabulous time (More on that soon). For those who missed it or just can’t get enough—the next gathering is in Asheville, NC August 15-17, 2008. Space is limited so email dandelionseedco@gmail.com as soon as possible to register if you are interested.
But for now, say hello to everyone online!
(If you are interested in joining the Ning site, let us know!)
Amber (for the DSC blog elves)