Saturday, October 24, 2009

Top Down Leadership and this blog

I believe the future of the DSC is hidden in the "latent dna" of the people who are connected to it. In other words, if we're going to become a grassroots movement that changes people and culture, it will happen because the seeds that are in us are watered and grow, and take root in the ground of now.

In top down leadership mode, the leader controls communication, makes sure that everything that is seen or heard publicaly is spun in such a way that the "company" looks good.

In contrast, we're working at getting honest about where we're at and challenging people at all levels bring their perspective to bear on the challenges at hand.

One thing that needs to change is that the vision needs to become simple and clear, and we need to begin to recognize both how we're living that vision now, and how we're falling short of it (so we can grow and change). Follow Jesus. Practice Creativity. Develop Community.

The vision is in each of us, and will come out in a different way in each individual. We'll discover who we are as we bring our piece into the public sphere.

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